Wednesday, May 27, 2009

Take Away This Call and Chain

Dear English Answer Man: 
What is your opinion on cellphones?

Cellphones are digital choke-chains. They unnecessarily complicate one's life by introducing requests, demands, harassment, boring conversations, and otherwise stressful interactions. In the past, if you didn't want to deal with someone, you could just stay away from them. Now, pretty much anyone--friend, enemy, bounty hunter, strange uncle, etc--can track you down with the flick of a finger. 

Think about it: When is the last time someone called you in order to make your life easier? Maybe once every few hundred calls or so. When people call you, they almost ALWAYS want something from you. They want a ride. They want to know if you can come over. They want to know what time you're going to get there. They want you to listen to their problems. They want to know if you can babysit, go out to lunch, pick up milk, stop at the post office, or look something up on the Internet.

Cell phone servitude. 


  1. Hi, English nswerman, I'm Michael. I disagree with you. If If I get a call it isn't bad like that. The person will actually make me do something. If they want me to see something on the internet it's probably cool or funny. And why wouldn't you want to go out? I would like that. Phones are helpful and I haven't yet had a boring conversation on the phone. So cell phones aren't as bad as you make them seem. But everyone's cell phone experiences are different.

  2. Dear English Answerman;
    I agree with you, cell phones are really annoying because whenever someone wants something and don't have the guts to call you or talk to you in person they text you which is really stupid in my opinion.Ecspecially texting most of time its just "Hey how's it going," or "What are you doing," Or "What's up," BORING!Why don't they just go to your house and hang out with you? Also when they send forwards, FORWARDS are the worst; ex. "Your my best friend and i thought of you when i got this text and i sent it to all my other best friends including you so you better send me this back or you'll be friendless untill 2011" Like seriously this is just retarded. I don't understand why they made cell phones, back then you didn't text your friend to see if they were outside or home. You walked over to their house and knocked on the door. Now people just text 24/7 and it's annoying i see absolute no point in it.

    -Tori p.5
