Wednesday, May 2, 2012

Propaganda Analysis

See the example below for a model when writing your analysis.

Title:The Whip of Mankind

Description of the Propaganda
In this poster, a large red-faced man is holding an upraised whip over thousands of people as they wander over the globe. He has a large nose, he is fat, and his hair stems from his skull like horns. The entire poster is deep red, and the people are hunched beneath his whip, waiting for it to strike. The only humans you can see clearly are a woman with a baby, a child, and man huddled together. The look on the man’s face is angry, cruel, and he almost appears to be enjoying what he is doing. The caption at the bottom of the poster states that Jews are “the whip of all mankind.”  

The message of this poster is that Jews are inflicting pain, anguish, and slavery to people all over the world. This is obvious because the people are hunched over and suffering, while the Jewish man appears fat and strong as he whips the rest of them into submission. The rounded surface on which the people are walking has the curvature of a globe, and that clearly symbolizes how these people represent individuals from all over the world. The poster goes even further with its accusations against Jews: The deep red of the entire poster, combined with the red-faced and horned whip holder provokes images of hell, and Satan. The connection is obvious: Jews are shown equated with the worst evil known to mankind.

Propaganda Technique #1: Repetition
There are two key features of Nazi propaganda repeated in this poster. The first is the presentation of Jews as being fat and large-nosed. Even though the central message of the poster has nothing to do with these features, the artist nevertheless is sure to make the large, grotesque-faced individual the main focus of the poster. The second feature repeated in this poster is the idea that Jews are somehow bent on world domination. One poster from a previous post shows a Jewish spider spreading its web over Europe, while another poster focuses on a hideous octopus encircling the planet with dripping tentacles. Now, in this poster, a Jew is poised above the planet, seeking to whip it into submission. The repetition is unmistakable.

 Propaganda Technique #2: Make It Big, and Make It Simple
I will admit that I am combining two techniques here, but they function as a pair, as you will see. The simplicity of the message of this poster is evident by its caption: "The whip of mankind." That's it. It's easy to understand, and it doesn't even require a full sentence. A child would be able to read this poster and make sense of the message. But part of the simplicity of the message is that the viewer does not need to think critically about ANY issues. Who is the Jew against? ALL OF MANKIND, according to the poster.

There is no room for alternative opinions or perspectives. Jews are oppressors, and they oppress everyone. Period. The scope of this statement is huge, and that is part of what makes it so easy to understand. It's also what makes propaganda so effective, and that is a truly frightening thought, especially when one reflects on the atrocities the Nazis brought upon a huge portion of our planet, and the Jewish people in particular.

Photo: Taken from The Holocaust Chronicle (picture from my mobile phone)


  1. The German's were horrible. Hitler and his men especially. Just because one group of people is different doesn't mean you could go around and kill them. It's a horrible thing. Propaganda was a big thing back then, trying to brainwash those Kids with stories like the Poisonous Mushroom. That's horrible. Especially lying to your own child (If you know the true meaning of the story).

  2. We should read Number The Stars, such a great story about the Nazis and how this Jew family have to suffer without their daughter, because The Nazis ran her over :(. I read that book like 15 times. I love that story

  3. I personally like this post out of all the other ones that I have looked through. It explains how people all around the world are suffering.
