Saturday, April 16, 2011

Vocabulary Videos, Dropouts, and Other Unlinked Links

First of all, check out this vocabulary contest. Watch the videos--I think a lot of you wordsmiths could pack quite a wallop in a contest like this. Sample video below (and here):

At the other end of the educational spectrum, consider this infographic regarding the cost of dropping out.

Not many surprises here--just another reminder that the finishing school is an important step in putting yourself in a position to succeed.



  1. Mr.Vega not to anyway disrespect you or your belief there are and will be MANY successful drop-outs such as : Quentin Tarantino,Jim Clark, H.G Wells(left school to help support family then continued schooling so technically not a drop-out) Cher, Ray Charles, Jack London, Jimmie Dean, Tommy Lasorda, Sunny Bono see you can't just take a clump of a hundred people and say they are all the same isn't this what we were talking about in class STEREOTYPES

  2. I will grant you all these--and perhaps even hundreds more. But I believe the point of the infographic is just to point out a pattern. There are no stereotypes--just numbers.

    I actually had this discussion with some students today. Those successful dropouts are anomalies--we know about them precisely because they are so exceptional. I actually worked for a guy (one of my close friends, actually) who did not finish high school. He is successful, and one of the most intellectually curious people I know. But he flies in the face of the statistics.

    I didn't know about any of those on the list though--where'd you get the information? Nice work digging it up, and very impressive if you knew it off the top of your head.
