Thursday, January 27, 2011

Do Hard Things (Take a peek; it's easy)

From the time I was about 14, "Harris" was a big name in our household. Joshua Harris made courtship cool again (at least my mom hoped) with his book I Kissed Dating Goodbye, and his follow up (I think) Boy Meets Girl proved once and for all that it was actually possible to meet a girl without "dating." Now younger brothers Brett and Alex have sparked a "rebelution," inspiring teens to "do hard things." 

With all of the raunchy, lazy, and thoughtless pus clogging the blogosphere, this site is an inspiration. Brett and Alex tackle a range of topics, most of which target teens. Check it out, and see if you're not better off after browsing what they have to say.

This poem caught my eye and made me cry. Yes, the Answer Man's eyes are still a bit moist. Their mother recently passed away, and it immediately made me think of my own mother with more than a little love and appreciation.


  1. You might enjoy my blog where I also critique Josh Harris's book:
    "I Kissed Dating Goodbye: Wisdom or Foolishness?"

    Unfortunately Josh Harris is quick to point out the defects of dating but won't admit the problems and defects with his approach. Even at his own church he acknowledged a number of problems but doesn't share them on his website.

    I am glad to see more people discussing this vs. just blindly accepting what Harris teaches as the more righteous alternative.

  2. I'll definitely check it out. I'm still unraveling the dating/courtship dilemma after ten years or so, and somewhere in the mix I managed to get married. I'm not sure if I dated or courted. I think we dourted.

  3. You should really check this blog out.

  4. This might be one of my favorite blogs you need to check it out.

  5. This is one of my favorite blogs english answer man.Check it out.
