Now, you may not be surprised, since even nerdy teachers are the quintessence of cool in Southern California.We're just a bunch of trendsetters over here on the Westcoast. But the fact is, just a few short years ago anyone over the age 30 would be embarrassed to admit publicly that they were on MySpace. Now we're crawling all over ourselves Liking and Friending, and we can't help tweeting about it like a flock of twitterpated fowl.
Facebook is in the air. And as lovesick as we might be with our Internet infatuations, we need to be careful. Students especially. Everybody knows anyone they want to these days, and it's because it's all there for the taking online.
Check out this clever infographic on how college admissions offices use Facebook to screen incoming college students. Like anything else, I think we'll find that Facebook is neither good or bad in itself. It can help you out in your goals, but it can also broadcast your boneheadedness to all (the wrong) people.
Take care before you share your whole world online.

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