Thursday, September 29, 2011

Happy Smiles Ripple Like Sunshine

I like happy people. I like smiles. Happy people with smiles drop like a fat stone in small pond, rippling their waves of joy to the outskirts of our beautiful planet.

So poetic.

The best way to spread your own pond-ripples is to do something nice. To help us make the world a better place, I'm going to share a few nuggets of wisdom from Jen. I don't know Jen, but she makes some cute embroidered brochures that "promote positivity" in the world. I am going to spread the love and share her wise words with you:

Yes, smiles brighten bad days even at the grocery store. And don't forget the basics:

I like the one about taking someone's cart at the store after they are done shopping. So simple, and I could have done that last night if I wasn't such a rude dude. It's so easy to do nice things for people, and yet sometimes we need an embroidered post-card just to remind us.

So here is my question: What is one simple, specific way that you can make the world a nicer place? 

To my student bloggers: On your own blog, think up a way to show your niceness to the world (if you're a grouchy jerk, then I guess you'll have to fake being nice. Not to worry--if you fake it long enough, it will probably rub off on you and true niceness will shine through like a golden beam of rainbow sunshine).

Describe what you're going to do to change the world, and then go out and DO the nice thing in the next couple of days. Next week, we'll post about how our nice little social experiment worked out.

For now, work hard, and BE NICE.

1 comment:

  1. Okay, first of all I understand that the world would be better if people were more courteous, and went out of their way to help someone, but is there such a thing as being "too nice"? Honestly, if somebody came up to me in the grocery store with a big silly grin on their face trying to help you when you didn't need it I would probably get a little scared. I get that some people just want to be a nicer person but, trying too hard to be nice can put you and the person you are trying to help in an awkward situation. People should still try to be nice, I'm not saying they shouldn't, it's just when somebody doesn't want your help you shouldn't try and force it on them.
    This has actually happened to me one time I was at the store and a lady with a giant grin on her face tried to help me and I got really freaked out, and the worst part was when I told her I didn't need help she insisted on helping me. Personally, if I were her I would be embarrassed that I tried so hard just to help someone who didn't need it.
