Friday, March 18, 2011

Thoughts on UCLA Student's Stereotypical Rant

If you haven't seen the rant posted by the bigoted bruin Alexendra Wallace, you can click here or search on your own. For those who don't know, the young lady from UCLA used YouTube to vent her frustrations over Asian students whom she felt did not meet the standards of "American Manners." She introduces her rant by informing viewers that she's "not politically correct" and that viewers should not take offense at what is to come.

The thrust of her complaint is that she has to deal with Asian students talking loudly on the cell phone in the library, and that it disrupts her pursuit of "epiphanies" while grappling with the "theories" and "arguments" in her political science text books. In particular, she has to contend with the phrases "ching chong," "ling long," and "ting tong."

Clearly the young lady was out of line, and she comes off looking like a narcissistic, air-headed bimbo. There's plenty more I could say about her appearance, but just watch the video if you need a physical description. So what is the best way to respond to the wish-she-was a brainy beauty? Probably not by intimidation and death threats, as some neanderthals seem to be thinking. Come on. "You made fun of me, so now you're going to die!" Equally brainless.

The gentleman in the video below shows us a better way. Instead of the infantile exchange of insults and threats, this guy takes a sad situation and makes beautiful music. Seriously. And in the process, he intellectually tears Alexandra Wallace (the ranter) to shreds. He makes a pun out of her name, and turns everything in her rant into a melodically humorous comeback. It's funny, it's smart, and it improves everyone's quality of life. Even Ms. Wallace's.

She's a human who made an embarrassing mistake, and I hope she comes out of the situation as a more mature and sensitive human being. She doesn't deserve to be skewered by death threats, intimidation, or other acts of physical and mental violence. But I have to say she had this one coming:

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