Tuesday, September 28, 2010

Priceless Pointers

Here is the essay prompt for those who need it:
Explain why John Adams made the decision to defend the soldiers. Did he make the right decision?

Use quotes from the novel to support your argument.

Dear English Answer Man:

Do you have any golden nuggets of wisdom to offer for those of us writing essays on The Fifth of March?

Of course. See the pricelss pointers below.

  • Introduction:
    • TAG sentence and a BRIEF summary of the situation in the story.
    • Thesis statement. (Example: Given the circumstances, Adams made a good choice in defending the soldiers.

  • Body Paragraph #1:
    • Discuss why Adams chose to defend the soldiers. Include key quotations and commentary.

  • Body Paragraph #2:
    • Your first reason for why he made a good/bad decision
    • (include key quotations and commentary).

  • Body Paragraph #3
    • Your SECOND reason for why he made a good/bad decision

  • Body Paragraph #4
    • Your THIRD reason for why he made a good/bad decision

  • Conclusion
    • Remind the reader of why Adams made the choice to defend the soldiers.
    • Briefly review your reasons for why he made a good/bad choice.


  1. this post has benefited me and many other fellow students, and i really appreciate it.

    one question: how come you didn't prompt for the other question for the kids who want to challenge themselves and be unique

  2. I agree with this post,but i don't agree with Mr. Question Mark because i feel that we don't need to be unique in a persuasive essay. All we need to do is try and persuade the reader.

  3. This blog post was very helpful because it help me organize my essay and the stuff that i should put in it.Thankyou very much i hope to see more pointers for great paragraphs.

  4. English Answer Man, is it just me or does it seem that such a uniform writing style would get a bit redundant? If this is the only way to write a proper essay, doesnt that take away so much creative possibility? SHouldn't teachers be encouraging kids to deviate from the bland, redundant, uncreative norm? I agree that this is an effective form of writing, but allowing students writing skills to stagnate defies the point of teaching.

  5. Wow!!

    What a comment. And what can I say? For once, the English Answer Man is answerless! A thoughtful, and well-articulated response, to say the least. I can't argue with you on this one.

    I will say, however, that your response is anything but bland, redundant, or uncreative. So it appears we're having a bit of success after all. :)
